Thursday, December 03, 2009

Ethan's 7th Birthday

Ethan turned 7 today! We celebrated our normal Hill way with no school for everyone, and the birthday child picks the menu and activities for the day.

We started with chocolate donuts in our pj's. Then let Ethan open his first gift from Jason and me. It was a new Wii game, Indiana Jones 2. He loved it! Can you tell? I got some great pictures.

Then we headed off to our home school PE class. After that, he purchased his gift from GrandMommy and GrandDad. It was a remote control bumper cars set. When they get hit too hard, the drivers fly out screaming and laughing. He loves it! Thanks Cindy and Doss.

We ate lunch at Chick-fil-A and played in the indoor playground area. Then headed home to play with our new games and to let me cook his cake. Our old neighbor Linda came over and gave him a new Hot Wheels race set. I think Caleb loves it just as much as Ethan does.

And now we're waiting on Jason to come home to take us out to dinner at the mall and play at their arcade for the night, eat cake and open his last gift from Grandmother and GrandBobby.

Overall, I think Ethan had a GREAT bithday. We love our "little E."

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