Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Arrow of Light Plaques

My little business just received it's first order from an out of state Cub Scout pack. A pack from Philadelphia found my plaques via google, then saw my Etsy listing and contacted me. They needed six by their Crossover this Sunday. Sunday! Thankfully, I had six already in stock and just needed to package them up and mail them. Unfortunately, I had to steal the 3 original plaques that I made for my boys to send out to PA. They were okay with that though. Especially since I've enlisted their help to make them and agreed to pay them as well. They were thrilled that I got an order from out of state.

After scrambling around town looking for boxes and the cheapest shipping rate, my plaques are out of my hands heading to Philly. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief. All this running around to complete and mail an order in 18 hours tuckered this girl out. I think I'll take the rest of the day off before heading back out to the garage to make some more.

Here's a picture of the 6 plaques that I sent him this morning. Gorgeous. Aren't they?

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