Thursday, October 07, 2010

Fall Decorations Post #2

Here's the second post of my "Fall Tour De Home." If you missed the first one, scroll down the page to read the first one. Today's post are pictures of the front door, front bed and front entry inside. My mums in my window boxes are just now blooming so I'll post those pictures later when they're nice and big.

My sweet neighbor's mom made me this wreath years ago when we lived at Londontown Apts. before the kids came along.

Pottery Barn had these huge candle holders pictured on a front porch of one of their magazines. I was just thrilled to find some exactly like them at one of my new favorite stores, Hobby Lobby. They were considered a summer item and on major clearance. I got these two for under $20. The ribbon and pine cones set the fall scene on them. Come Christmas, I'll change the ribbon and might put silver ball ornaments or something similar in them to make it feel more "Christmassy."

Here's my flag banner in the front bed. I have a box full of seasonal flags that I change out with the seasons. To me, it's the little things that bring me joy like this flag that welcomes my friends in to my home.

This is the inside at my front door. I love changing out the floral cone each season. My plastic pumpkins are holding up great (surprise, surprise).

Check back tomorrow. I plan to start posting the living room decorations. Happy weekend!

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