Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Snow

Knoxville received about 2 inches of snow earlier in the week.  Andrew was up and out the door playing in it at the crack of dawn before Jason and I were even out of bed.  Of course, he's our early to rise, early to bed son.  So I didn't get any shots of him in the snow.  I was able to get a few shots on my camera phone of Ethan and Hannah.  In honor of the snow, I made a new cookie too.  Here's a shot of the best one I made.  They were pretty good.  They tasted like my mom's all-night cookies or resurrection cookies.  The kids were split on them though, only half like them.   That's normal for my house it seems.  Half like something and half hate it.  Oh well, there's more for the rest of us who do. 

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