Friday, April 29, 2011

Yard Sale Time in TN

After a crazy week of weather in the South, we are very thankful to have a home with electricity, running water and a family that's all well. Since I finished painting the foyer, dining room, kitchen and living room, I'm on to prepping for the yard sale Saturday, April 30.

We should have beautiful weather here and I'm secretly hoping that moms searching for girl and boy clothes show up because I have a TON to sell. Here's a picture of most of the boxes before Jason raided the attic for more. I believe I added 5 more to this stash.

It's a yard sale actually with some of my cul-de-sac neighbors. Even the kids have gotten in to the act. They are planning on setting up a snack table to sell drinks and snacks.

So say a prayer that I make enough money to replace my oven/range. It got a little boo-boo. A certain 10 year old accidentally turned the oven knob the wrong way and messed up the temperature of the oven now. Bummer. It was my first time teaching him how to make homemade bread with the oven and not the breadmaker. As he was reaching for it, I realized he might turn it the wrong way. But before I could say not to turn right, he did. So now I can't bake anything. The center doesn't finish cooking while the top burns. New oven range, here I come!

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