Monday, January 16, 2012

Andrew's Webelos Badge

Andrew started Cub Scouts this past August. He has loved it and has devoured his Scouts' book. He has known from the beginning that he only had 6 months to accomplish all he wanted to do in Cub Scouts as a Webelos II before crossing over to the Boy Scout troop.

In his pack there are other Webelos II scouts who've been in the pack for years. He fit right in and worked just as hard. He actually outpaced them. In the fall, Andrew asked if he could start doing some of the badge work at home during school time. I agreed and he set the pace working almost every day on finishing more and more work to receive the badges. This past Tuesday, Andrew was awarded his Webelos badge. He was the first boy out of his pack to receive it. He was ecstatic! His next goal is to receive the highest honor as a Cub Scout, the Arrow of Light. He has 2 things to do/attend and then he'll have it by February. I'm so proud of the hard worker he's become. He even has told me his ultimate goal is to become an Eagle Scout.

Here's his den leader on the left explaining to the pack how he was the first Scout to get the Webelos badge.

I just love the encouragement from the Pack Leader on the right for Andrew. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Mom!!!! That was very nice.