Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

The older boys, especially my oldest have hit the age where all they want to be for Halloween is something scary.  Really scary.  Slenderman scary.  I hadn't heard about him until the boys made me watch some YouTube videos about him.  It scared them to the point of nightmares but to this child of God and woman over 40, it didn't scare me at all.  He was creepy looking though.  I must admit.

I'll tell you what's scary:

Living paycheck to paycheck is scary.
Wondering where your next meal is coming from is scary.
Bounced checks are scary.
Being homeless is scary.
Cancer is scary.
Getting your first mortgage is scary.

 I can go on and on.  Can you relate?

Maybe I'm also a little tougher after working years in retail, banking and for a temp agency.   Nothing is scarier than some of your customers too.  Meeting a man who was truly demon possessed and working beside a woman who claims to be a witch falsely putting curses on you.   Now, that's real life and can be scary but I believe in Jesus Christ and my trust and hope is in Him alone!

What's the best part is that death is no longer scary.  I'm hoping that it would not be painful and quick too but I long to see my Savior and live in my true home.  What about you?  I pray that thinking about your death is not fearful.  I pray that you hope and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ like I do and long for the day of His return.

Back to my Halloween post.  My kids begged to go trick or treating this year.  We normally attend a trunk or treat or church fall festival.  My neighborhood is quite low on the kids count.  Most porch lights are turned off for the night and we get no kids at our door.   This year was no different.  Not one kid showed up at my doorstep.  We even had a big bowl of candy waiting for them and four cut up pumpkins with candles in them for decoration.  We had spent hours blowing our leaves in piles at the curb too.   Oh well.   The kids headed out with Jason and only found one house light on with candy out of 30 houses.   They came back deflated, and decided to load up in the van to hit Bennett Place neighborhood directly behind us.   Gold mine!   The filled up their pumpkins with tons of candy, saw other trick or treaters and came home just in time to watch the Charlie Brown Halloween special.  It reminded me so much of my childhood.   Running from house to house with my twin brother, Jason.  Oh, to be a kid again.   Why did I ever want to grow up so fast?

Slenderman, Ninja, Cowgirl, and Zombie Hunter

(Sorry for the blurry picture. I took it on my IPhone with Instagram.
Transferring it from Instagram to Blogger made it all blurry.  )

Caleb the Zombie Hunter

Jason found the sign and hot glued it on his hunting vest.

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