Tuesday, November 13, 2012

End of the Season Soccer Parties 2012

Ethan's team.  He the one on the far left with his arms up.

Hannah's team. She's the 2nd from left in the front. 

The 2012 fall soccer season is officially finished.  Whew!  We are beat.  Three soccer practices and three  games every Saturday since Labor Day combined with Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and AHG has made this fall fly by.

The kids all enjoyed their end of the season parties and this year their certificates were received with joy.  At the church where we play soccer, they don't pass out trophies but certificates at the end of the season.  Andrew received the "Best Teammate" award.  Ethan received the "Love of the Game" award.  Lastly, Hannah received the "TNT" award. Her coaches explained that was because of her tiny stature yet ability to throw the ball back into play with such force that it surprises you.  They were right.  She looks too little to throw the ball far yet surprises you with her hard kicks and great throws.  I even heard parents from the other teams commenting on the little number 8 player.

The funniest thing happened during Hannah's party. She lost her front tooth in her cupcake.  She didn't even know she did until she turned around to talk to me and I noticed.  She found it later and proceeded to bring it to me all covered in blue cupcake icing.  Yuk!  It stopped the coaches' awards presentation for all of the parents to giggle at her.  She is an official snaggle tooth now.  She's been singing the song, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth."  I should get it on video to post because she looks so funny.
Hannah's before picture

Snaggletooth Hannah

1 comment:

Unknown said...

actually mom,the award was terrific teamate