Saturday, November 12, 2005

Our Saturday Adventure

Today we decided to head up to the mountains and tour the loop at Cades Cove. The Cove is an 11-mile loop between two mountain ridges in the lower portion of the Great Smoky Mtns. On an average day, it takes a few hours to tour the loop, but weekends can be crazy with traffic.
Wildlife abounds here! Deer, coyotes, bears, turkeys, squirrels--you name it. Some domestic animals are also present. We have seen as many as 150+ deer on previous trips. During autumn, the 'rut' begins and buck deer can be seen in mass--some VERY big.

On this outing we saw approximately 15 bucks, one of those was feeding next to the road. As you can imagine, traffic comes to a halt and L O N G lines form. I wasn't able to get a picture of this one because a park ranger was at the 'hold up' waving people through. But, I did capture this one even though he was far off. The boys love going to the mountains. Their favorite thing to do is throw rocks in to the streams. It entertains them for hours. Hopefully Hannah will enjoy going as much as they do some day. She just wanted to eat and sleep in Mommy's arms today. Hope you enjoy the pictures and had a great Saturday too.
Jason and Shelley

1 comment:

JennGrover said...

Oh, you make me miss East Tennessee!