Thursday, November 10, 2005

Why not sooner?

So why have I not started a blog sooner you ask? Well, I've been busy finishing the final touches in Hannah Claire's room. Since Hannah's room was decorated in a Madeline theme, I decided to write out part of the story on her wall. For those of you not familiar with Madeline, here's a brief synopsis. Madeline is a main character from a children's book series. She is a little red head who lives in Paris with eleven other girls in a boarding school. There were about 6 different stories in the Madeline series. The books all start with the same story line that reads "In an old house in Paris, covered with vines, lived twelve little girls in two straight lines. They left the house at half past nine in two straight lines, in rain or shine, the littlest one was Madeline. With my Aunt Cathie's help on the French translation, I painted away. Here are some pictures of her room. I think it looks great for a non-artistic mom's first attempt at painting script.


Suzanne said...

Looks super! I haven't seen the words around the top, yet! Good job on the room and the blog!

JennGrover said...

Very nice!

Kristie said...

That's great Shelley! You are such a cool mom.

Unknown said...

Michelle Hamstra (Worthington) here. The kids are adorable and the room looks fantastic! I'm glad to hear all is well in your neck of the woods!