Sunday, January 22, 2006

I'm alive!

What a rough weekend. I've heard from some of my Knoxville friends about this stomach bug going around but now I can attest firsthand what it's like. Have you ever been so sick that you just wished for an IV? Well that was me this weekend. We had care group Friday night as usual, went to bed, but woke up in the middle of the night with this lovely virus. I will spare you full details but leave you with this thought. What would we do without our spouses? I am grateful to God that He gave me such a wonderful husband. Jason cheerfully served us all weekend. He played with the kids, cooked, cleaned, did laundry and much more than I probably know about. I felt like I was back in the hospital after having Hannah. He only brought her to me when it was time to nurse. I have not been that sick since childhood. I actually stayed in bed until 4 pm yesterday afternoon, then had enough strength to move to the couch for the rest of the night. Being sick was much easier when you're a child and your mom's there to take care of you. I sure did miss mine this weekend but was freshly reminded of God's grace in my life by looking at my husband. Thank you sweetie! I love you. So now I'm hoping that the "just finished running a marathon" feeling will go away soon. It even hurts my stomach muscles to laugh.

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