Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm a Soccer Mom!

It's official! I'm REALLY a soccer mom. I have been for 4 years but this year it's been kicked up a notch. Andrew AND Ethan are BOTH playing this year. That means I have Andrew's soccer practice on Monday nights at 6, Ethan's on Thursday's at 5:30 and two games every Saturday til November. Whew! Can't track me down? Call my cell. I'm probably in the car with Caleb and Hannah watching a movie at the soccer field.

The boys had their first game last Saturday. Ethan was goalie first, stopping more than 11 goals. He was our little rocket! Just speeding around picking up all these balls and in a flash throwing the ball away just past half field. He'd throw it so far that all the kids had to run backyards to get it, way over their heads.

Andrew's game was in the middle of the day, hottest part. He was pooped out, to the point of pouring his water all over his head to cool off. He did great even as a forward (his least favorite position). He's a much better defender. He's as slow as a turtle and appreciated the defender position much more.

So if you have nothing to do on a Saturday, you're welcome to come join the Hills as we cheer on our little soccer boys.


Rocket Boy Ethan

Ethan and Kaitlyn

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