Monday, August 01, 2011

1st Day of School

The 2011-2012 school year started today at Hill Academy. Grades being taught are 5th, 3rd, and 1st. 3 students and 1 teacher, not too shabby ratios, huh?

The newest thing around here is Ethan's desk. We finally finished it. Remember this was the free desk from craigslist that was 30+ years old and in desperate need of a makeover. Jason and I even made the hutch from scratch for him. Looks pretty good if I say so. Ethan loves it and it fits him well, makes him think he's big stuff like Andrew with his own desk. Also, everything is in red, Ethan's favorite color.

All students received their 1st day of school presents, new school supplies. The newness had definitely worn off for Andrew. He was NOT excited in the least like in years' past. He'd much rather get a new toy instead.

The most excited student award would be given to Hannah Claire, my new 1st grader. My oh my, where has the time gone?

So my request today for all you reading this blog still, is to ask for prayer. Would you please pray for us and we start our 6th year of Hill Academy. We so covet your prayers. THANKS!

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