Friday, December 30, 2011

My Grandmother, Mema

Have you ever been looking at old photos and can't remember what happened that day? Maybe you forgot what you were doing or how you felt that day. I can say that this picture is NOT one of those. This picture will be one that I will never forget how I felt and what was going on that day.

It was the day after Christmas 2011. It was the day that my sweet Grandmother, Mema was being moved in to a nursing home. She has dementia now and is needing round the clock help. She's 94. Doesn't she look great for 94? She has lived in her own home by herself since my grandfather died 14 years ago. Her health is great but her mind is going. It's heart breaking to see my grandmother like this but what's even more heartbreaking is to see how it's hurting my mom and her sisters. It's for the best where she's going but she doesn't want to live there. So for all my friends reading this blog, would you say a quick prayer for her? Her name is Brady. We covet all your prayers and thank you for them.

Here's my Mema with her youngest grandson, Caleb. They are 91 years apart in age. Wow! She was so sweet to us that day. She played cars with Caleb, crashing them together making him laugh. She played with Hannah and Hannah's new American Girl Doll, Elizabeth. We changed the doll's clothes and played dress up and Mema kept saying that she wished that she was little again so that she could have a doll as beautiful as Elizabeth. She was actually joyful like a little child, playing games with her great grandchildren. It was so remarkable and I love her even more for loving my children and playing with them that day.

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