Thursday, August 23, 2012

Poison Ivy (again)

Jason, Andrew and Ethan just returned from a Boy Scout camping trip over the weekend. They did have fun but the biggest unwelcome surprise was the poison ivy that Andrew woke up with on Monday. It completely surrounded his eyes. It progressed so quickly that we were forced to go get him a steroid shot at a minute clinic that late afternoon. After the shot was done, we assumed that the rash would clear quickly which it didn't. By Wednesday, we were back at the minute clinic again getting a prescription for Prednisone. We were told that if the Prednisone didn't help, our next stop was a hospital visit. Thankfully, it is clearing up today (Thursday.) Andrew awoke to eyes that weren't swollen almost shut and the rash is starting to subside. Only now, the rash has spread to his neck, chest, arms and legs. Poor boy. Jason has a little of the poison ivy rash too but it seems that Ethan is in the clear.

Monday morning

Swollen eyes
Full blown rash on Wednesday

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